Thank you for your interest in donating to Champion Christian College! Our ministry is impossible without your help. Below you will find a secure giving portal as well as other options for supporting the college. If you have a question about any of our giving programs, please contact our office at (501)-623-2272. We appreciate your donations more than you know!

We thank you for your consideration in supporting Champion Christian College financially. Your gift goes directly to meet the needs for training servant leaders who will impact the next generation for Christ. We ask that you also support our efforts by praying daily for the provision needed.
One time donation:

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. When prompted select Champion Christian College as your charity.
Board Members
Ralph Ohm
Fred Lyles
Rick Wilson
Richard McGrew
Renee Morgan
Doug Gulley
Tony McAnly
Cobalt-Aero Services
Custom Insulation & Supply Inc.
Standard Business Systems
Capaci Family Fitness
BBA Corp and Affiliated Entities
Gospel Light Baptist Church, Hot Springs, AR
Centennial Serve Church, Caldwell, ID
Faith Baptist Church, LaGrange, GA
If we have omitted, misspelled, or misplaced your name, please accept our apologies and notify our office by calling toll free (501) 623-2272.